Perhaps no aspect of pet ownership in the U.S. elicits as
passionately supportive emotions as the subject of spay and
neuter. In fact, this orientation is so well established that
saying anything that questions the procedure is akin to
blasphemy. However, just as women were routinely relieved
of their reproductive organs with a "La de da, you'll never
miss 'em" attitude until studies exploring the nonreproductive
effects of reproductive hormones made human physicians
rethink this position, so veterinarians and other animal-care
professionals are making tentative moves to rethink
wholesale sterilization of companion animals, too.
To understand what difference this may make in our attitudes
about the procedure, let's consider the subject of cancer.
Most dog owners have heard that spay and neuter prevent
testicular and mammary (breast) cancer: however is that the
whole story relative to cancer or is there more to it?
Obviously, if we remove a dog's testicles, there's no way he'll
develop testicular cancer. On the other hand, most dogs who
develop testicular cancer respond well to castration, so the
advantages of preventive surgery are perhaps not as great as
one might expect. Although intact (unsterilized) females have
a higher incidence of mammary cancer, the dog's weight
plays an important role in the process: intact females who are
lean at one year of age have a lower incidence of the disease
compared to their chunky cohorts.
In an interesting article in the August Veterinary Practice
News entitled "Can we neuter cancer in dogs?" veterinary
oncologist Kevin Hahn opens by saying that, after reviewing
studies reported over the last 30 years, he's not sure what to
recommend to his clients. Like most veterinarians, Dr Hahn
mentions the higher incidence of testicular and mammary
cancer in intact animals, but also notes that spayed females
have a 4 times greater risk of cardiac hemangiosarcomas,
and neutered males also show a significant increased risk for
this cancer compared to intact ones.
Another cancer Dr. Hahn discusses that deserves mention is
prostate cancer because a lot of people erroneously believe
that castration prevents this. In reality, it does not. In fact,
castrated dogs have up to a 4 times greater risk of developing
prostate cancer than intact animals. At the same time, spayed
or neutered dogs have a 1.5 to 3 times greater chance of
developing bladder cancer. Because of this, rectal
examinations and abdominal palpation should always be part
of a routine veterinary physical examination.
***The link between sterilization and osteosarcoma (i.e. bone
cancer) is also troubling: Spayed and neutered animals are
twice as likely to develop this cancer. Those spayed or
castrated before their first birthdays had a roughly 1 in 4
lifetime risk for osteosarcoma and were significantly more
likely to develop a tumor than intact dogs.
The article then goes on to discuss the role of hormones and
genetic controls in cancer. All agree that there is a
connection, but no one knows exactly what it is. However, in
his article Dr. Hahn discusses a study done by Dr. David
Felman (and published in the JuneNature) that I find
intriguing because of how it may relate to the role the animal's
behavior and his/her relationship with the owner plays in
cancer. In a very tiny nutshell, the study looked at two gene
mutations that lead the stress hormones cortisol and
cortisone to trigger the growth of later stage cancer cells.
Because cortisol is also one of the hormones that's elevated
when stress results in animal behavioral problems which, in
turn, may result from human-animal relationship ones, it
would seem that avoiding such elevations of this hormone by
treating bond and behavioral problems could conceivably
lower the probability of cancer in some animals, or improve
the survival chances of those already afflicted with the
disease. Although such a hypothesis might seem to require
too great a leap of credibility for those who associate cortisol
and cortisone with those drugs that counter inflammation and
itching, another effect of these hormones is that they
undermine the immune response. So while they may benefit
animals who encounter occasional stresses of brief duration,
these same substances may seriously undermine the health
of those who daily live in stressful environments. In that case,
not only will these animals have a higher probability of
developing stress-related behavioral and medical problems
(such as aggression or separation anxiety displays, irritable
bowel syndrome or chronic or recurring urinary tract
conditions), these animals' taxed immune response may
experience more difficulty recognizing and dispatching mutant
cells before they multiply and form cancers.
Currently the exploration of the non-reproductive effects of
sex hormones is in its infancy and, unlike the rise of feminism
which challenged the philosophy underlying hysterectomy
and ovariohysterectomy in women, many of those who
normally claim to speak for the animals are usually quiet
about how sterilization may affect companion animals. Like
Dr. Hahn, I, too, have reviewed the literature and am not sure
what to tell clients. However, I do know that unless we can
free the subject from the emotional cocoon that has protected
spay and neuter from objective scrutiny all these years, our
pets won't be able to benefit from the knowledge that is
slowly, but surely, being generated on this subject.
Granted permission to use by Myrna Milani, veterinarian,
consultant, teacher and author
Myrna Milani
Bearded Collie Article
Spay, Neuter and Cancer
By Myrna Milani
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